Peerblock is a firewall application that acts to filter out communications between your system and a remote IP. Though being abandoned to my knowledge since 2014-2015 it still functions well and fills a niche roll as a customizable IP-Table that has automated remote update functionality as well as an easy way to enable and disable.
Some of you may remember this application as it was widely used back in the early days of P2P software though it has since fallen to relative obscurity.
I recently found it useful for my current needs, however it seems that it was built without the necessary SSL capability enabled in its version of libcurl. Essentially it could only update using HTTP links not HTTPs links.
I’ve taken the liberty to build the latest revision again but this time with an updated libcurl that allows the usage of HTTPs links for downloading.
This modified version can be downloaded here:!fEtkVCDY!F88T4MEAOxHmHGO8kA2lpoXZsQfKxEAO1ZQZfmytUIs
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