You need to ensure that all local content is linked using relative URLs eg (/somedir/somecontent.jpg), not absolute(
On Setting Recommended Security HTTP Headers in OpenLiteSpeed
Xorg is a window manager, by default Gnome uses wayland, but this is not compatible with the pop-shell extension. You…
On Complete Conversion from ext4 to Btrfs on Arch Linux (and other Linux Distros)
A path is a series of indexes or directions to a given location on the file system. In this tutorial…
On Creating a Website Scraper using Gecko Driver (for Firefox) and Selenium (on Pop Os Linux)
This can break embedded content and is extreme. SAMEORIGIN will restrict it to content from the same origin (eg your…
On Setting Recommended Security HTTP Headers in OpenLiteSpeed
This is true, but in my case I normally don't use HTTP except as a redirect to HTTPS these days.
On Setting Recommended Security HTTP Headers in OpenLiteSpeed
Unfortunately there is no really effective mechanism for protecting written works on the internet. I just live with it.
On How to Use rclone to Create or Mount a Copy of Your ©Microsoft OneDrive